Friday, June 19, 2009


I've found myself being overwhelmed with stress as I prepare for the move. More than anything, the issue of money is pounding at my temples, constantly hammering at my consciousness. I alternate between useless worry and blind carelessness. I was in the process of skimming a daily devotional when the Lord spoke to my heart to tell me to stop and take the time to hear what He had to say to me. The prayer that was posted not only forced me to be thankful for what I do have, but forced me to remember that I will be OK, that I do have a responsibility to make wise decisions, and that I have to constantly remind myself that this is simply not about me.

Dear Father, Thank you for leading us in Your paths of righteousness. Lord, I know as we seek You, you will give us the answers we need so that we might prosper and be in good health. Lord, we need strength and health to be able to serve You and help others. Thank You for prosperity so that we are able to give to help those who are poor and needy. Show us the people we need to help. Give us prayers for the lost, hurting and needy. Prayers just cost us our time. Let us be willing to take the time to pray, to give and to reach out to others. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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